14 Home (And Natural) Remedies For Gastritis

Gastritis describes conditions that involve stomach lining inflammation. One of the most common causes of the disease is helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that usually infects the small bowels and stomach. However, various other factors can also give rise to the disorder, including but not necessarily limited to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication for extended periods, other infections, and stress.  

Some common symptoms resulting from gastritis are stomach pains, gnawing aches and sensations in your abdomen, nausea, a bloated stomach, and vomiting. Although there are undoubtedly many instances wherein medical care is essential to treat the disease and its symptoms adequately, there are some cases where it’s short-lived and can be managed effectively at home. 

This article will look into some home remedies that can relieve gastritis symptoms. Keep in mind that not every option will produce the desired outcome for everyone, so it’s recommended to try a few to find out the ideal method that will work best for you. However, if symptoms are unmanageable, such as severe pain, blood in the stool, or vomiting blood, seek immediate medical attention to avoid further complications that can potentially worsen the condition.

Healthy Diet

As previously mentioned, gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach’s lining. Therefore, it makes sense that adopting a healthy diet that focuses on minimizing inflammation could provide some relief and alleviate the condition’s symptoms over time. While no solid evidence conclusively shows specific dietary regimens to prevent or cause the disease, identifying the food that triggers attacks and reducing or avoiding their intake altogether may have positive results.

Some studies show that meat, sugar, spicy, and fried foods may worsen the condition. In addition, excessively drinking alcohol can exacerbate gastritis symptoms and cause liver disease and cancer. Generally, doctors diagnose the disease using various tests if they suspect gastritis. These include a breath or stool test to check whether or not you have the helicobacter pylori bacterium, an endoscopy to check for any indicators of inflammation, and an upper GI series or barium swallow, which is an x-ray of the digestive system.

Some people report that foods high in fiber, like beans, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, ease their gastritis symptoms. Consuming low-fat foods like lean meats and fish have also been shown to be helpful. Moreover, eating small meals can make the condition much more manageable.