12 Home Remedies For Fishy Odor: How To Get Rid Of It

White Vinegar and Sea Salt

Aside from apple cider vinegar, you can also use white vinegar to remove fishy odor. Most home pantries have white vinegar, an effective ingredient in home remedies to neutralize odors. In addition, it can break down odor proteins and help restore pH levels. For centuries, people have used vinegar as a cleanser, preservative, and antiseptic. Vinegar is acidic and contains plenty of antibacterial properties that can kill germs that cause the fishy odor. Like apple cider vinegar, you can add a few drops of white vinegar to water and drink the mixture two times a day. 

Another thing you can do is to use white vinegar mixed with sea salt dissolved in lukewarm bath water. You can soak in it at least three times weekly to eliminate vaginal smells. Sea salt comes from seawater’s evaporation. Since it is minimally processed, sea salt contains trace minerals, including potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium. Traditional healers often recommend sea salt baths to relieve stress, soothe muscle aches, and treat skin irritations. 

The combination of white vinegar and sea salt restores the pH balance in the genital area. Sea salt is beneficial for its mineral content, particularly potassium, which balances skin moisture.