14 Effective Remedies To Help You Treat Fever Blisters At Home


Apart from lemon balm, l-lysine has also been found to shorten a cold sore’s duration. In addition, many have reported its benefits as a treatment and preventative measure for fever blisters. This amino acid is not produced by the body and comes from food rich in l-lysine, such as beef, chicken, turkey, pork, codfish, sardines, eggs, yogurt, soybeans, and parmesan cheese, to cite some examples. It can also be taken orally via a supplement or applied topically in cream form.

Herpes simplex must have a consistent arginine source to replicate inside the body. L-lysine is shown to interfere with the absorption of arginine by the intestine, making it unavailable. Thus, it can aid in slowing the replication process for HSV-1, if not prevent it from occurring entirely. Additionally, much research indicates that the amino acid could potentially reduce the occurrences of the infection apart from speeding up its average healing time.

For L-lysine creams, it’s best to apply them to the cold sores every couple of hours for eleven days. The recommended dosage for supplement-based products is one gram thrice daily for managing existing fever blisters and no more than a gram a day for their prevention.