12 Best Home Remedies For Eye Infection (List)


Euphrasia (eyebright) is a medicinal herb used for centuries to treat various health issues, particularly as an eyewash to cure eye conditions. Infusions and tinctures of its flowering parts are used to treat and prevent eye conditions like eye fatigue, conjunctivitis, and blepharitis. 

To prepare the eyebright herb, simmer it in a cup for around ten minutes. Then, allow it to cool before straining it through fresh cheesecloth. Its liquid is used as an instant eyewash.

Euphrasia eye drops are also readily available in pharmaceutical stores and are recommended by doctors to treat bacterial or allergic conjunctivitis and other eye conditions.

Eyebright works well for styes. It has caffeic acid, an antibacterial effect that will help fight the infection. In addition, this plant includes the minerals copper, selenium, and zinc, all of which assist in preventing cataracts. Finally, it is believed that its antioxidant characteristics can increase the eye’s absorption of vitamins A and C. The proper dosage of eyebright varies depending on the patient’s age, health, and several other factors. Before using, read and follow all applicable instructions on product labels and speak with your pharmacist, doctor, or other healthcare experts.