11 Home Remedies For Dizziness: How To Get Rid Of It

Ginger for Motion Sickness

Ginger has long been used as an alternative or natural remedy for preventing dizziness caused by motion sickness. According to Albert Leung, a consultant in plant pharmacology, ginger was used to fight seasickness by suppressing cold sweats, vomiting, nausea, and vertigo. In addition, since it promotes blood circulation, an essential function in our body, it helps the brain function well. 

Although the mechanisms of its effectiveness remain unknown, many patients claim its potential. Experts hypothesize that ginger can help prevent the development of gastric dysrhythmias, which is the abnormal rhythms and waves of the stomach that can trigger vomiting and dizziness. Ginger also possesses pharmacological components that are proven effective in calming the nerves. In addition, studies have shown ginger has an impressive 38% chance against dizziness and motion sickness symptoms. The effect of ginger can last for at least four hours.

Ginger can be eaten directly or incorporated into drinks like tea and smoothies. Ginger powder can also be used as a spice for soups and dishes. Over-the-counter ginger ointments are also available.