14 Common Signs Of Hep C You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)


Ascites are another issue produced by elevated pressure in the veins of the liver. In Hepatitis C, the liver does not function properly. The combination of decreased liver function and portal hypertension results in ascites symptoms. Portal hypertension is elevated blood pressure in the portal vein, which transports blood to the liver. Excessive pressure causes fluid to flow from the veins and gather in the abdomen.

The abdomen starts to fill with fluid that has leaked out. This might cause the abdomen to swell like a water-filled balloon. The legs might also get edema or swelling. Because there is less space for food, eating might be difficult. Even breathing might be difficult, mainly while lying down. However, the most significant complication of ascites is an infection, which may be fatal.

The peritoneum is a covering of tissue surrounding the abdominal organs, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys. Ascites occur when fluid accumulates between the two layers of the peritoneum.

Your physician will likely recommend a low-salt diet and diuretic drugs to assist the body in eliminating excess water. Treatments and medications are available to alleviate ascites symptoms associated with hepatitis C. However, severe cases might require a liver transplant.