15 Causes & Common Triggers Of Hemorrhoids (You Should Know)

Overusing Laxatives

Overusing laxatives is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids. Laxatives can cause a person to lose too much water and electrolytes, leading to dehydration. Dehydration causes their blood vessels to constrict, which increases pressure on the veins around the anus (the main area where hemorrhoids develop).

If a person regularly takes laxatives or overuses them in the past, they must follow up with a doctor. Other potential complications from frequent use include bowel obstruction, electrolyte imbalances, and potassium loss. These require medical attention if not appropriately addressed. In addition, laxatives can cause constipation and worsen hemorrhoids.

While laxatives and irritation of the rectal veins may seem an excellent way to eliminate hemorrhoids, they can worsen them. Therefore, a person with chronic constipation or an irregular bowel movement should talk to a doctor about the best treatment options instead of over-the-counter laxatives.