10 Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds (Backed By Science)

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a part of the body’s defense and healing process. It happens when white blood cells detect an intruder (which can be an irritant, bacteria, or virus). The white blood cells will then travel to the injured or infected area and try to defend the body from the attackers. As a result, it will raise the blood flow in the area, which can cause redness, swelling, and warmth. However, in some cases, the body can perceive its own cells as harmful intruders or attackers. This can lead to autoimmune diseases and other chronic diseases.

Chia seeds contain caffeic acid, a type of polyphenol with excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of chia seeds can help reduce internal inflammation linked to several chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. Experts are also looking into producing ointments and gels from chia seed extract to cure external inflammation.