15 Causes & Triggers of Hand Swelling You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Keeping the Hand in the Same Position

There will be situations where the hand is kept in the same position for extended periods, such as during sleep or traveling. When the hand is kept lower than the heart for long enough, it can cause the blood vessels to dilate, which can eventually lead to swelling. Such a condition is known as dependent edema and is usually not a cause for concern. However, there are times when people seated for long periods, such as during train or plane rides, experience the symptoms of dependent edema, and it’s usually something that can be easily treated by shifting hand positions. That said, there are also situations where it might not be enough to get the swelling to go down, and you may have to elevate your hands over your heart for a while.

One way to help deal with such a situation is to wear compression bandages. Compression bandages are meant to keep the blood vessels from dilating and are usually worn by those over sixty. In those cases, it’s typically leg swelling that’s the problem due to gravity doing its work. With dependent edema based on position, there’s usually no severe concern.