Best 15 Supplements For Gut Health (According To Professionals)


Glutamine is a conditional amino acid that the body naturally produces and is transferred to different organs. Additionally, it is the most prevalent amino acid in the bloodstream. It accounts for 30 percent to 35 percent of the amino acid nitrogen in the blood.

Blood carries glutamine to all body tissues, including the gastrointestinal system. It encourages the regeneration of the epithelial cells that function as a barrier between the abdominal cavity and the intestines. The intestinal epithelial cells are entirely replaced every five to seven days, wherein the rapid rate of cell proliferation relies on glutamine.

Glutamine directly supports gut health and function by maintaining the gut microbiome’s balance and increasing the expression of tight junction proteins and the integrity of the intestinal lining. Moreover, it reduces the inflammatory response in gut mucosal irritation and is beneficial for gut cell regeneration and function. 

Glutamine supplementation may aid in healing a patient’s gut lining, gut absorption function, and immunological function, particularly in infection or injury-related stresses. Studies indicate that L-glutamine supplementation may be helpful for persons with a leaky gut syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and HIV-related digestive impairment. Lastly, taking L-glutamine supplements in proper dosages has no notable adverse side effects.