14 Impressive Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt (Eat More?)

Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Multiple studies indicate that well-balanced gut microbiota may activate or control the immune system and protect against allergies, diarrhea, depression, and type 2 diabetes.

Based on a 2017 research in the Journal of Nutrition, yogurt intake is associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Another similar study published by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) discovered that yogurt’s probiotics enhance insulin sensitivity and decrease inflammation. Moreover, according to the Nurses’ Health Study II in 2009, a daily serving of yogurt was associated with an 18 percent reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes.

The association between probiotics and glycemic management was examined in a 2015 analysis, revealing that probiotics substantially decreased fasting blood glucose and fasting plasma insulin (FPI) levels. Lower FPI levels imply more successful glucose management. Nonetheless, the authors indicate that even a little drop in blood glucose might be advantageous, particularly for those with type 2 diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends yogurt for diabetic patients as part of a healthy diet. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend plain, low-fat yogurt for people with diabetes. This maintains a low glycemic index, preventing a blood sugar increase.