15 Proven Health Benefits Of Goat Milk You Should Know

Easier to Digest Than Cow Milk

Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk, and the main reason is that it has a higher fat content than cow milk, which makes it more easily digestible. This is because the fat in goat milk is smaller and more easily broken down by the body.

Goat milk also has a more easily digestible protein than cow’s milk, and this makes sense because goats produce less casein than cows. Casein is one of the proteins found in dairy products (the others being whey protein and butterfat).

It can cause digestive discomfort for some people with sensitivities to lactose and gluten, so if a person is sensitive to either of these things, he may find that goat’s easier-to-digest proteins make them preferable over those made from cow’s or sheep’s milk, respectively.