Fungal Infection: The 12 Best Treatments You Should Know


Butoconazole, an azole antifungal, is a drug prescribed to treat vaginal yeast infections. It functions by preventing the infection-causing yeast (fungus) from growing. Butoconazole lessens the vaginal itching, burning, and discharge that could be present with the condition.

Butoconazole is available as a vaginal cream insert. It is often administered every night before bed. Talk to your physician or pharmacist if there is anything about the prescription label that you do not understand. Follow the directions strictly.

Apply the dose just before you lay down for bed. After using the medication, you shouldn’t get up again to wash your hands. You might want to use a sanitary pad to prevent stains on your clothes. Avoid using tampons since they will absorb the medication. 

Unless your doctor instructs you to douche, refrain from doing so. Rinse your eyes thoroughly with water if the medication gets in them. If eye irritation persists, contact your doctor.