Diverticulitis? Here Are The 15 Foods You Should Avoid (List)

Fermented Foods

As stated above, FODMAP foods can cause issues for those with diverticulitis. Fermented foods could potentially cause bloating, which can weaken the lining of the intestines and cause the beginning of diverticulitis. After that, further weakening of the tissue and damage to the growths will eventually cause inflammation, leading to nausea, vomiting, and bloody bowel movements.

Fermented foods might seem unusual, but they’re a staple in many parts of the globe, and are often seen as a delicacy. They tend to be eaten as side dishes to the main course, particularly in Europe and Asia. For example, the former has sauerkraut, and the latter has kimchi. These fermented foods have a habit of improving the appetite and are often seen as an acquired taste.

Considering that not everyone enjoys fermented foods, this is one of the easier items on the list to avoid. For those who make a habit of eating fermented foods as a side dish, it’s best to avoid such foods for now, as it could trigger diverticulitis.