Try These Top 10 Foods High in Vitamin K1, the Super Foods for Everyone!

4. Asparagus

Asparagus is one of the green vegetables that should be a part of your regular diet because it has important qualities that can greatly help your body.  Asparagus is very rich in Vitamin K and can help prevent certain cancers. It can also help in regulating the blood pressure and prevent decline in cognitive function. Just 4 pieces of boiled asparagus spears can give you 48 mcg, which is almost 50% of the daily required Vitamin K intake. Make sure you do not overcook your asparagus to get all the essential nutrients!

5. Brocolli

Broccoli is one of the best sources of Vitamin K1 that should always be a part of our grocery list. It can help prevent chronic diseases and minimize the body’s risk in developing lung and colon cancer. It can also help improve bone health and improve calcium absorption. Just one cup of boiled broccoli can give you 200 mcg of Vitamin K1.