Foods High in Vitamin D3: Time to Eat More!

6. Fortified Milk

Milk is widely known to be a great source of calcium. It is usually fortified by vitamin D3 of about 124 IU. There are several variants of milk. A single cup of whole milk contains 97.6 IU of this vitamin D, skim milk has only 117 IU, the goat milk contains 29.3 IU or 7% DV and dry whole milk contains 399 IU or equivalent to 100%.

7. Fortified Tofu

Tofu is a great source of various essential nutrients such as amino acids, minerals like calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron and many more micro-nutrients. Tofu is truly a versatile food that offers several health benefits. It is also a food that is fortified with vitamin D3, The New York State Department of Health stated that a 1/5 block of raw tofu spiked with this vitamin contains 120 IU.