10 Foods High in Vitamin B6 for Proper Body Functions

8. Tuna

Every ounce or 28 grams of cooked tuna contains 0.29 mg or 15% DV of vitamin B6. It’s also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which is good for the heart. Other fishes that are also good sources of this vitamin are herring with 22% DV, swordfish with 26% DV, halibut with 27% DV, salmon with 29% DV, and wild salmon with 40% DV.

9. Pistachio Nuts

Pistachio nuts are good for the heart and they are effective in the management of weight. They can also prevent hypertension, diabetes, and digestive problems. These nuts are good sources of vitamin B6 as every cup or 123 grams contain 1.39 mg or 69% DV of vitamin B6. Other nuts that are also rich in this vitamin are cashes with 4% DV, macadamia with 5% DV, peanuts with 6% DV, walnuts with 8% DV, and hazelnuts with 9% DV per ounce.