Take These 10 Foods High in Vitamin B2 for Better Energy

6. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are low in calories and high in antioxidants, antibiotics, and amino acids. They are good for weight loss, preventing diabetes and cancer, and in lowering cholesterol level. Mushrooms are also amazing sources of vitamin B2. A cup of white stir-fried mushrooms contains 29% DV of riboflavin, while raw brown Italian mushrooms contain 0.43 mg or 25% DV and grilled portabella has 29% DV of riboflavin per cup. Every 8 pieces of dried shiitake mushrooms contain 22% DV of vitamin B2.

7. Natural Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in protein and various nutrients. It is beneficial to the health of the heart, prevents osteoporosis, improves digestive health, and boosts the immune system. One cup of natural yogurt contains 0.57 mg of vitamin B2 or 34% DV. Not only will this give you energy, but it is also helpful in your overall health.