Take These 10 Foods High in Vitamin B2 for Better Energy

4. Almonds

Almonds are good sources of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They can lower the cholesterol level on the body, prevent heart disease, and lower the risk of cancer. An ounce or 28 grams of almonds contain 0.28 mg of vitamin B2 or 17% DV. Other nuts also contain riboflavin although lower than the content of almonds. Mixed nuts provide 8% DV, while pine, pistachio, and cashew nuts offer 4% DV of vitamin B2.

5. Spinach

Spinach contains various nutrients and it is also easy on the pocket. A cup or 180 grams of spinach contains 0.43 mg or 25% DV of vitamin B2. There are also other greens that you can add on your diet together with spinach to get more riboflavin in your body like beet greens that contain 24% DV, asparagus with 14% DV, drumstick leaves with 13% DV, collard greens with 12% DV, dandelion greens with 11% DV, and Chinese broccoli with 8% DV of vitamin B2 per cup.