10 Foods High In Uric Acid: Yummy But Dangerous!

6. Asparagus and Spinach

Meat is not the only food with high levels of uric acid. There are some vegetables like spinach and asparagus that are established to have high uric acid content and can lead to the early onset of gout symptoms. However, the harm these vegetables can do to you is lesser compared to animal-based foods. Fortunately, the uric acid from these vegetables is excreted with ease from the body in comparison from seafood and meats. So if you have to choose the lesser evil, it would be best to err on the side of vegetables.

7. Cauliflower

Another vegetable that is known to cause increase uric acid in the body is the bland cauliflower. However, just like the vegetables listed above, it can help the body in eliminating the purines and the uric acid and purines. There is no need to get rid of these vegetables from your diet. Aside from that, these vegetables have the essential nutrients necessary for the reduction of insulin resistance, which is vital in controlling the flare-ups of gout.