Avoid These 10 Foods High in Tyramine to Prevent Migraine and Palpitations

6. Chinese Dried Duck

Duck is rich in proteins and minerals like sodium, copper, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. It is also a good source of vitamins including vitamin B12 and B6, thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin. It helps boost the immune system and general mental and physical health. However, its tyramine level can be dangerously high for those who are intolerant or who are suffering from the symptoms of high level of tyramine, which is why it’s recommended that it should be avoided.

7. Concentrated Yeast Extract

Yeast extract is often used for flavorings or as additives on foods. It gives that umami or savory taste and can usually be found on stock, gravy, snacks, crackers, and frozen meals. One tablespoon or 15 grams of concentrated yeast extract can have up to 34 mg of tyramine.