Top 10 Foods High in Minerals You Should Eat More Often

8. Whole Grains

Whole grains have 4 out of the 8 minerals needed by your body – zinc, iron, phosphorus, and selenium. Grains high in mineral content are quinoa, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, whole wheat and wheat germ. Grains are high in carbohydrates and should be taken in moderation for those who are watching their caloric intake. Whole grains help control blood sugar, lower LDL or bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fiber promotes the growth of good bacteria in the large intestine and helps aid digestion, nutrition absorption and improves body’s immune system.

9. Milk and Yogurt (Low Fat)

Milk and yogurt contain 4 of the 8 needed minerals, which include calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. For those who are conscious about calories, choose the ones that are unsweetened and low fat. Same goes for those who would want lower cholesterol content to go with unsweetened and low-fat variants for milk and yogurt. Milk and yogurt may contain probiotic strains that can help boost the immune system. Calcium helps in improving bone density and may help prevent osteoporosis.