One of the interesting things about growing your body is how you can make the most out of things by changing up your diet. You can make surprisingly significant changes based on what you eat, and it can potentially change the way your body works. Naturally, you can expect great results if you make it a habit to try unhealthy foods, but it also works both ways.
This list is going to be tackling something different, where you could potentially have problems even if you start going for seemingly healthy foods. Too much of anything can be bad for you, and in this case we have lectins. Lectins are proteins mainly found through foods such as legumes and grains. There are many different kinds of lectin, with some types potentially causing problems with digestion and even inflammation.
If you’re interested, the list below showcases foods that are high in lectin, which means it might be a good idea to limit them from your diet. Quite a few of these foods are on the healthier side of things, which means there’s no need to be entirely lectin-free — all you have to do is limit your intake.
Butternut Squash
By all intents and purposes, butternut squash is generally good for you. It comes loaded with nutrients and antioxidants which serve to help the human body in a variety of ways. However, the butternut squash is part of a family of fruits that are high in both lectins and sugars. This combination makes it a poor decision for those who want to do their best to avoid lectins in foods. That said, it’s still recommended to make butternut squash a part of your diet if you are generally unaffected by lectins.
Eating butternut squash has been associated with improved heart health, which means you could potentially avoid chronic heart conditions by adding this fruit to your balanced diet. Being rich in antioxidants, butternut squash is also particularly good at keeping one’s mental health in check. Antioxidant rich foods can help the body’s cells from deteriorating, which is why fruits such as butternut squash have anti-aging properties.
Butternut squash can be a healthy part of one’s diet, though it might not be a good idea for those who suffer from diabetes, or those who have issues with lectins.