30 Foods High in Iron To Never Worry About Deficiency Again

Oysters, clams, mussels (shellfish)

Different varieties of shellfish, specifically mollusks, are abundant in iron. However, (cooked) mussels, oysters, and clams, are exceptionally high in iron. The iron you get from shellfish is heme iron, which the body readily absorbs. In terms of iron content, the highest source is oysters, followed by mussels and clams. Based on 3.5 ounces (100 mg) serving, cooked oysters will give you 44 percent of the daily value (DV) you need. On the other hand, mussels provide 37 percent, while cooked clams offer 17 percent. 

Among the three, the iron content in clams is variable, as there are several varieties. Another thing is some shellfish are high in mercury content. Some of them contain toxins, so ensure where you buy your shellfish. You can have fresh mollusks or buy them canned, as the iron content will remain high. Still, it is best to check the iron content, as it varies by brand, which you can see in the nutrition information on the label. 

Shellfish are also rich in B12 and vitamin C. The vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they contain increase the level of HDL cholesterol. They are good for the brain, help in weight loss, and are good for immunity building.