Top 10 Foods High in Flourine For Your Teeth, Bones, and Body

4. Spinach

Keep munching on your leafy greens as this super star will do its job to deliver healthy minerals to your bloodstream! Aside from carrying about 329 µg of fluorine when cooked, this nutritious vegetable is also low in fat and cholesterol, and very high in niacin and zinc. Moreover, it is also high in protein, fiber, thiamin, Vitamin C, E, A, Vitamin e B6, Iron, calcium, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and potassium. No wonder this is Popeye’s go-to power up snack!

5. Tomato Products

Aside from being one of the world’s healthiest foods, tomatoes are also rich in fluorine. Canned tomato sauce can have up to 291 µg of fluorine per 200-calorie serving. Additionally, it has lycopene, which helps decrease your risk of heart disease. Tomatoes may be consumed fresh as a vegetable, canned, or packed in tomato juice. Healthy heart and healthy bones? Now we’re talking!