10 Foods High in Choline for Sharper Brain and Healthier Body

6. Spinach

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable is very high in choline. It is loaded with this vital nutrient that can improve brain and muscle function. It is also helpful for people who are having problems with their metabolism. For every 100 grams of uncooked spinach, you can get 24.8 mg of choline. For people who do not eat meat or fish, load up on spinach to get your daily choline requirement.

7. Meat and Poultry

Meat is very high in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. There are a variety of meat sources that are high in choline which include chicken, turkey, lamb, beef and pork. Whether lean meat or red meat, just 80-85 grams of meat can give your approximately 200-300 mg of choline that your body needs.