WARNING! 10 Foods High in Carbs That You Need to Limit or Avoid

6. Refined Flours

A cup of refined or white flour is equivalent to 95.4 grams of carbohydrates, and along with refined sugar, it can contribute to obesity and other serious health conditions because it contains almost no vitamins or natural minerals. You can eat 8-11 servings of white flour every day or better yet replace it with whole wheat flour.

7. Cakes and Cookies

Never allow the low fat low-carb label fool you. Cakes and cookies always contain high carbohydrates. When baking cakes and cookies, the total flour used is almost 80% carbohydrates that can make your blood sugar change suddenly or go on a roller coaster ride. If you eat a piece of cake with frosting, then you have consumed a very unhealthy amount of added sugar.