10 Foods High in Ammonia – High Levels to Avoid!

6. Gelatin

Gelatin is made from the crushed dead bones of animals. Its glutinous content is what makes gelatin translucent and form into a gel. Unfortunately, ammonia also comes from animal decay. That’s why gelatin contains 0.035 g of ammonia for every 100 g. It’s a yummy snack you can eat on its own or mixed with salads. Unless you eat excessive amounts of gelatin you don’t have anything to worry about an overdose of ammonia.

7. Onions

The onion is one of the heavily used vegetables in most culinary dishes. It contains far more health benefits than the adverse effects of its ammonia content.  It contains one of the lowest amounts of ammonia at 0.027 g. But with its presence in most dishes in various amounts, you may keep a close watch on the amount of this chemical that you are consuming. It could gradually build up in your system over time.