Try to observe the color and consistency of the urine. Depending on the type of liquids taken in during the previous 24 hours, it shows up in the urine stream. Doctors say that the amount of water a person drinks reflects the quality and color of the urine. A clear urine stream means the person is adequately hydrated. The lesser the water intake or, the more processed liquids drank, the smellier the urine is.
Urine becomes more concentrated when a person doesn’t drink much during the day. When urine becomes more concentrated, it also appears darker and more prone to foaming. It will also reek of ammonia, indicative of the waste products in the urine stream. Health experts say dehydration, urinary tract infections, and bladder stones contribute to concentrated urine. Doctors advise a consultation to get an antibiotic prescription should smelly, and concentrated urine persist.
Doctors advise drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses daily, or equal to two liters of water. Some even recommend sipping water throughout the day to ensure proper hydration. However, hydration depends on several factors, and the person must determine the right amount of fluids to take based on previous urine quality.