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Red palms

Red palms or palmar erythema is a rare medical condition that causes the palms of the hands to turn red. Doctors also call them liver palms because they know that the rare disease is linked to liver health. 

Red palms typically happen in the lower part of the hands and may resemble rashes. The redness may also manifest in the feet (plantar erythema), and the flesh turns pale when they’re pressed. The severity of the redness may depend on several factors, including body temperature, physical activity, and even emotional state.

Although palmar erythema isn’t a dangerous condition, it does signify that there might be another underlying medical problem that needs immediate attention. According to experts, palmar erythema can mean the person has fatty liver disease, may be pregnant, or may have liver cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, or Wilson disease. 

Although the condition can be idiopathic, doctors still caution people who suffer from palmar erythema to seek medical advice regularly.