12 Common Signs Of Early Shingles You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

General Ill Feeling

Another symptom of shingles is the feeling of being ill. Individuals usually cannot explain why they feel tired without too much energy. Therefore, people often think that they are coming down with the flu. 

Most people who feel ill often increase their caffeine intake, unknowingly dehydrating their bodies and increasing the symptoms of tiredness. If it is one of the first signs of shingles, the person might experience confusion. There could likewise be some temporary loss of memory and feeling incredibly exhausted. 

Doctors call this feeling malaise, which is a symptom, not a condition. The experience varies in different ways, but the descriptions include discomfort, illness, pain, fatigue, and depression. The symptoms may appear gradually, or they may occur suddenly. Further, malaise, which may be mild or severe, could last a long time or come and go. 

Some general causes of malaise are decreased physical activity, overexertion, viral infections, aging, the side effect of certain medications, or chronic medical conditions.  

Even if the symptoms are mild, people should take malaise seriously. It is essential to see a doctor and discuss what they feel to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.