12 Common Signs Of Early Shingles You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Fever and Chills

A person who is going to have shingles may have a fever and chills. The fever and chills may be accompanied by headache, tiredness, stomach pain, or upset stomach. Aside from these conditions, the person can also feel numbness, tingling, sharp pain, and burning in the skin. Fourteen days after these symptoms, a line of blisters will appear. The rash forms a line because shingles follow the path of nerves. 

Chills and fever are common signs of someone coming down with something. The condition makes people feel very cold and visibly shake or shiver. Alternatively, they may feel hot. The illness indicates that the body is fighting an infection. The body can regulate its temperature, so most fevers and chills are not dangerous. However, it is better to see a doctor because the condition could lead to another problem, such as a viral infection like shingles.  

The muscles of a person with fever contract, causing shivering and shaking. Muscle contractions raise the body temperature so the person can fight an illness or infection. Further, the shivering causes the person to wear more clothes to warm the body.