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Not Getting Enough Sleep

The body can only manage itself effectively if you take care of it. One of the most crucial parts of caring for your body involves getting enough sleep at the end of the day. Seven to eight hours of sleep is recommended due to the adverse effects on your health if you don’t give your body a chance to rest and recuperate. The body can typically handle going a week or two without enough sleep. Your body might even find a way to still be efficient despite running on fumes. However, going for too long without getting the necessary hours for rest can lead to a host of adverse health conditions. While a lack of sleep will affect your mental health quite a bit, you’ll also start experiencing adverse physical conditions. For example, your skin will have a more challenging time holding moisture, leading to a dry scalp and other skin conditions.

If you’re having a challenging time getting sleep, it’s all about following a proper routine. Even if you have to force yourself to sleep at a particular hour, you’ll have an easier time when your body gets used to it.