11 Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Know

Loss of Weight

It isn’t uncommon for diabetes patients to experience sudden weight loss. As previously mentioned, the hormone that enables the body to utilize glucose properly for energy purposes is insulin. Unfortunately, those with diabetes cannot use glucose as effectively as they should and fail to transport it to the cells, building it up instead in the blood. When this happens, the body believes it’s starving, forcing it to find ways to compensate for it. More often than not, it does so by burning muscles and fat at too rapid a pace, which is why people with diabetes lose so much weight quickly, even when eating a regular diet or without any extra effort.  

The additional energy that the body forces itself to use with the overworking kidneys also contributes to weight loss. This symptom is more common for those with Type 1 diabetes. However, those with Type 2 diabetes can also have it, depending on the severity of their condition.