11 Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Know


Another symptom that’s generally associated with diabetes is fatigue. There are various reasons why those with the condition experience feelings of exhaustion, including but not necessarily limited to complications with the condition to underlying issues. Managing diabetes can be energy-draining in and of itself. However, by far, the leading cause is the uncontrollability of blood sugar. Poor blood glucose control generally results in excessive urination and thirst, with fatigue stemming from dehydration.

However, tiredness from diabetes can also be contributed by other factors. For example, those who have had the condition much longer can potentially have liver, kidney, and heart damage. The abnormalities that accompany them can further promote fatigue. Many healthcare providers look at several things for symptoms of fatigue, such as the level of the thyroid hormone, because those with the disease tend to be more susceptible to hypothyroidism. Anemia is another thing that’s screened due to the frequency of its occurrence for those with diabetes.