11 Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Know

Excessive Hunger

Excessive hunger or polyphagia is a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes where blood sugar remains high, and glucose cannot get into the cells because of insulin resistance or a lack thereof, so food can’t be converted into energy. Therefore, the immediate consumption of food does little to relieve feelings of intense hunger and merely elevates the blood glucose level in the body. Generally, it’s recommended to engage in physical activities because it can stimulate insulin production or minimize blood sugar content. 

However, in severe cases of diabetes, hunger may persist. So in these cases, it’s best to consult a doctor or healthcare team. Medical professionals can check whether or not the increase in appetite is a diabetic symptom or another issue altogether. The earlier the condition is caught by medical practitioners, the easier it’ll be to manage it and limit the damage it can potentially do to the body. Conversely, the longer it takes to detect, the more likely it can cause more harm and make it harder for the individual to overcome.