The 12 Causes of Dark Urine You Should Be Aware Of


Rhabdomyolysis, or rhabdo for short, is a severe and potentially fatal condition that could result in permanent disability. It can occur if damaged muscle tissues release their electrolytes and proteins into our bloodstream, damaging organs like the kidneys and heart, which could result in death, if not disability. For example, the myoglobin protein responsible for storing oxygen in the muscles can cause a great deal of damage to the kidneys. And if it releases too much potassium, it may disrupt the heart’s electrical rhythm and cause severe cardiac problems. 

The condition’s initial symptoms are subtle and can be challenging to detect. In other words, they aren’t precise and could appear like many other diseases. Some of these are muscle weakness, low urine output, fatigue, soreness, bruising, infrequent urination, fever, malaise, vomiting, nausea, agitation, confusion, and dark urine. Those who suspect rhabdomyolysis are advised to seek immediate medical attention. The earlier treatment can be administered for the condition, the less likely it’s to be fatal or lead to permanent effects.