The 12 Causes of Dark Urine You Should Be Aware Of

Healthy kidneys are responsible for filtering around a half-cup of blood nearly every minute, getting rid of extra fluid and wastes to produce urine. This liquid by-product streams from the organs through thin muscle tubes referred to as ureters and into the bladder where it’s stored. The bladder then empties this urine via the tubes we urinate through, called the urethra. Ideally, the color of the urine should be pale yellow, indicating that the body is adequately hydrated. 

Naturally, urine has yellow pigments that are known as urochrome and urobilin. If the urine is dark, it’s likely to be more concentrated too. It’s a symptom that’s generally associated with dehydration. However, dark urine can also signal an unusual, excessive, or dangerous waste circulating inside the body. One example is that a dark brown color could indicate a liver disease because of bile’s presence in it. If it’s reddish-colored or bloody, it could be an indicator of other problems, such as direct kidney trauma or injury. In any case, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare provider if any of these symptoms present. 


Hepatitis is a condition where the liver is inflamed. While viral infections are the most common cause, there are many other possibilities as to why the disease may develop. This includes but isn’t necessarily limited to alcohol, toxins, drugs, and medication. Some symptoms that may present because of hepatitis are fatigue, the flu, pale stool, abdominal pain, appetite loss, unexplained and immediate loss of weight, jaundice, and dark-colored urine. To treat the disease effectively, doctors must determine and accurately diagnose it through specific tests.

The options for treatment will vary depending on the type of hepatitis the person has, ranging from dietary changes to antiviral medications. On the other hand, preventing the condition from developing in the first place generally boils down to vaccines, at least for A, B, and D. Reducing exposure and practicing good hygiene can also go a long way in protecting oneself from being afflicted with the disease.