What Could Trigger Cystic Acne? 11 Possible Causes


Genetics is another factor that causes cystic acne. Suppose one or both parents had a history of severe acne during adolescence; the risk of their children having acne breakouts later in life increases. The condition may be passed down if parents carry the same genetic components for pimples. For instance, the mother may have a hormonal imbalance that causes acne, while the father may possess an inflammatory response to certain genetic factors.

Researchers also agree that the risk of developing acne increases due to family history. One study examined how heredity played a role in triggering pimples. The research involves 151 participants with an acne family history and without an acne family history. The two groups were categorized as A+ and A-, respectively. 

Based on the result, acne occurred earlier and more coming before puberty in population A+. Furthermore, the group had therapeutic difficulties and increased retentional lesions. The findings showed that family history is a significant factor in acne development. Another study also suggested that familiar factors are crucial in determining a person’s susceptibility to persistent acne during adulthood.