What Could Trigger Cystic Acne? 11 Possible Causes


Diet is another potential trigger of cystic acne. The connection between diet and pimples has been controversial, but previous studies have indicated that certain foods play a role in the development of acne. For instance, research has found that consuming added sugar increased their risk of developing acne by 30 percent, and those who regularly eat cakes and other pastries had a 20 percent risk. The risk might be due to the impact of refined sugar on insulin and blood sugar levels.

Meanwhile, diets rich in fat and calories are often associated with acne. Fast foods like French fries, burgers, and sodas are typical items of such diets, and many believe they are acne triggers. For example, in one study involving 5,000 young Chinese adults and teenagers, the risk of developing acne increased by 43 percent while consuming high-fat diets, and eating fast food every day increased by 17 percent.

Another study involving 2,300 Turkish men observed that frequent consumption of sausages and burgers increased the risk of developing acne by 24 percent. Further research is needed to identify the direct link between acne development and fast food, but scientists theorized that such foods modify hormone levels and impact gene expression, promoting acne in the process.