14 Causes & Common Triggers Of Bone Pain (You Should Know)

Excessive Physical Activities

Aside from lack of physical activity, over-exertion of muscles and joints can also lead to bone stress fractures. These are tiny cracks formed inside the bones caused by too many forces exerted, usually from overuse of strength and repetitive pressure on the muscles, joints, and bone tissues. For example, heavy exertions of power put excessive stress on the ankle bones as it carries the most weight in the entire body when doing a lot of physical activities. A good example would be a sports injury, caused by great and repetitive jumping, dashing, or running long distances practiced on extremely strenuous sports, including but not limited to athletics, weightlifting, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, etc. 

Stress fractures may be tiny cracks, but they are enduringly painful. A bone stress fracture may take about six to eight weeks to heal completely. What can be done to relieve the pain from bone stress fractures is an excellent cold compress. In addition, putting ice packs on the affected and swelling area for fifteen minutes straight every three hours would be helpful.