What Are The Triggers Of Blurry Vision? 14 Common Causes


Another problem characterized by red eyes and vision blurring, keratitis, entails the cornea’s inflammation. The cornea is the clear tissue covering the eye pupil and iris. Other symptoms of this eye condition include eye pain, tears or eye discharge, reduced vision, photophobia or sensitivity to light, and difficulty opening the eyelids because of irritation or pain.

Keratitis can be infectious or non-infectious. Infectious keratitis is caused by bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Non-infectious keratitis is usually caused by an injury in the cornea like having it scratched by a sharp object or the vigorous rubbing of the eyes. 

Non-infectious keratitis can become infectious if the injury is exposed to pathological elements. For example, washing the eyes with contaminated water or touching the eyes with dirty hands can introduce bacteria or viruses into the damaged cornea and aggravate the problem.

Contact lens wearers are prone to experiencing keratitis, especially if they wear their lenses over extended periods, swim with their contact lenses on, and fail to observe proper lens disinfection. The risk of having keratitis also increases for those who take corticosteroids and have reduced immunity.