What Causes Bleeding Gums? 13 Possible Causes You Should Know

Bad Oral Hygiene

Bleeding gums most often come from plaque buildup. Proper and regular brushing should clean them. However, not everyone has the same dedication to oral hygiene. Sometimes, people get into the habit of skipping their toothbrushing. It might be because of limited time, or they are just getting lazy. However, it will be hard to break once it becomes a habit. Without regular care, plaque then builds up. If it reaches the gum line, it will start damaging it. Plaque can then solidify into tartar, which is more difficult to remove. 

It is possible to recover even after a long period of not brushing the teeth. Those who forget to brush daily can start the habit again. The goal is to make it an integral part of the daily routine. That is possible by setting aside regular brushing time, no matter the situation. Combine it with a mouthwash that will clear away all the bacteria and food particles. For those who are diligent, flossing should also be part of the regimen. Finally, people should schedule a complete oral cleaning with their dentists. It will reset the condition of the mouth.