What Causes Bleeding Gums? 13 Possible Causes You Should Know

Poor Diet

If a person eats poorly, they will not have proper nutrition. The result is usually a variety of health issues. However, when it comes to bleeding gums, the lack of vitamin C causes it. Scientists say that low vitamin C increases the chance of gums bleeding even with only some gentle probing. 

Bleeding gums are a prevalent symptom of scurvy, a disease often associated with vitamin C deficiency. Sailors were the most common victims of this condition since they often lacked vitamin C in their diet back during the Age of Sail. However, people don’t have to get complete scurvy to experience bleeding gums. Even a slight deficiency is enough to make their gums sensitive to damage.

Changing the diets to be more nutritious foods is the simplest solution to this dilemma. The focus should be on getting as many vitamins and nutrients in the diet. Focusing on vitamin C will also help with more citrus fruits and other foods with the vitamin.