11 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil (Backed By Science)

May Aid Weight Loss Efforts

While it may sound placebo, and the overall mechanism is not fully understood, there is a lot of research that black seed oil helps in weight loss. According to these researches, supplements with black seed oil can help reduce the body mass index (BMI) in different individuals. It is predominantly observed in the study of people suffering from obesity, metabolic syndrome, or type-2 diabetes.

There is a one 8-week study where 90 women ages 25 to 50 are obese. Each was given a low-calorie diet and either a placebo or 1 gram of black seed oil in each meal. At the study’s end, those taking black seed oil lost significantly more weight. It is in terms of their waist circumference compared to the placebo group.  

The black seed oil group experienced significant improvements in triglyceride and LDL, which are known to be bad cholesterols. Despite this fantastic breakthrough in many tests, there is more research that needs to take place. It is in terms of long-term safety and efficacy in taking black seed oil supplements.