What Are The Causes Of Belching? 12 Common Triggers

Acid Reflux

The stomach has digestive enzymes and strong hydrochloric acid that helps in the digestive process or food breakdown. The stomach lining is immune and protected from strong acid. However, the esophagus is not. Between the stomach and the esophagus is a ring muscle called the gastroesophageal sphincter, which acts as a barrier or gate that lets food go down the stomach and prevents it from going back up to the esophagus.

Acid reflux happens when the gastroesophageal sphincter fails to do its job, and some of the acid in the stomach travels back up to the esophagus. This is more like to happen to pregnant ladies, active and passive smokers, obese people, and patients taking certain medications.

A patient with acid reflux may experience burning sensations in the esophagus, heartburn, and belching. Belching is common among patients with acid reflux because they tend to swallow more to get rid of the lump they feel in their throat.