11 Signs To Be Aware Of: Bed Bug Bite Symptoms (List)

A Lot of Bites in the Morning

Bed bugs are classified as nocturnal insects, so they prefer to suck blood at night time while the hosts are sleeping. Therefore, finding mysterious insect bites in the morning is considered one of the earliest signs of bed bug invasion. The bite usually appears on the exposed parts of the body, like the arms, legs, face, and hands.

People react differently to bed bug bites, depending on how their skin reacts to the insects’ saliva and chemicals. Generally, bed bug bites are not dangerous and do not cause any diseases, unlike mosquito bites. It is even possible that bed bug bites won’t have any visible harm or reaction on the skin. However, some people may experience severe itchiness, blisters, swelling, and allergic reactions.

Bed bug bites are more commonly described as itchy, red bumps that appear in small groups or clusters. They usually appear in clusters of 3 or 4 bites in a row which experts call a “breakfast, lunch, and dinner” pattern. This happens when bed bugs are interrupted while sucking blood and move a few centimeters away from the first bite before sucking again.