10 Health Benefits Of BCAA (Is The Hype Real?)

Lessen Exercise-induced Fatigue

It is normal to experience exhaustion and fatigue after a tiring workout session. However, exercise-induced fatigue (EF) is a complex phenomenon affected by factors like physical fitness, exercise intensity, activity duration, nutrition, and environmental conditions. EF happens when the body’s muscles run out of energy, and the central nervous system loses its ability to move the muscles.

While exercising, the muscles use BCAAs as fuel to keep moving. However, too much physical activity can cause the blood’s BCAA level to drop. When this happens, the brain’s level of tryptophan (another example of essential amino acid) increases. Tryptophan is then transformed or converted into serotonin. Serotonin is a helpful brain chemical that plays a crucial role in mediating happiness, optimism, and satisfaction. However, recent studies have shown that serotonin can also send signals to the brain that contribute to fatigue, loss of focus, and extreme tiredness during exercise.

Experts believe taking BCAA supplements can significantly improve mental focus and stamina and lessen fatigue after extraneous physical activities. However, taking BCAA supplements may not be enough to improve exercise performance. Improvements in environmental conditions, mental health, and motivation are also needed to decrease exercise-induced fatigue effectively.