The 13 Causes of Back Acne (You Should Definitely Be Aware Of)

Dietary Intake

Another factor that can affect the presence of back acne is dietary intake. If the person’s dietary intake has a high glycemic index, which means they eat food that is high in carbohydrates and refined sugars, there’s a significant chance that the blood sugar levels will rise rapidly. Elevated blood sugar levels increase the likelihood of inflammation, and when there’s a spike in blood sugar levels, it instructs the body to create more sebum. When the inflammation and the excess sebum become too much for the body, acne usually manifests. 

While doctors still want research data supporting low glycemic diets can prevent acne breakouts, the evidence points to this as more and more people tend to break out with zits when their blood sugar levels spike. Therefore, medical experts recommend eating a balanced diet to ensure blood sugar levels remain within the normal range. They also recommend avoiding food with high fat saturation to prevent excess oil from building up in the pores.