12 Impressive Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar (Eat More?)

Blood Pressure Control

People with high blood pressure are at risk of getting heart disease. This is because hypertension forces the heart to work harder, weakening the heart muscle. Individuals who take apple cider vinegar regularly believe it helps improve their blood pressure by making their heart strong and healthy. 

In a Japanese study using lab animals, they gave the test animals acetic acid, which apple cider vinegar contains, and successfully lowered the animals’ blood pressure. Other similar studies got similar results, showing that it can effectively block the actions of blood pressure-raising enzymes. 

Researchers are conducting many studies on its effects on blood pressure. While the studies are done on lab animals, most research revealed that apple cider vinegar could help lower blood pressure. It also lowers blood glucose, cholesterol levels, and weight, all contributing to raising blood pressure.  

Some studies showed that it could lower renin, an enzyme linked to blood pressure. The kidneys secrete renin, which, at normal levels, aids in controlling blood pressure and maintaining healthy levels of potassium and sodium. However, high renin levels are caused by malfunction of adrenal glands, heart failure, liver scarring/cirrhosis, etc.